Paymark Seminar: Bring Business Online

Paymark Seminar: Bring Business Online


Paymark Seminar




The Venue
This Seminar was host by our Partner Paymark.





Seminar Topic
The Seminar is to teach people how to bring business online.
We showcase the ideas with 4 speakers.





George Diep / Payment Consultant, Paymark
How to Receive money Online





Austin Leung
How to Build your Online Store





Our Technical Director
Austin's Specialty is e-Commerce and Online Technology.





Mirror Shen
How to make your website look good





Our Creative Director
Mirror's specialty is Visual Design & Art Direction.





Ricky Jack /  CEO, Vyne Digital
How to generate the Traffic





Love the reaction and smile
Glad our Guest had a good evening.





4 Speakers
It was our pleasure to have presentation together. 





Love the team work
ThisWe look forward to working together in near future.





See you guys soon
Stay tuned with us